Tuesday, October 21, 2008

For the past eleven days our team has been in Oajaca, a very remote village up in the mountains/jungle of Panama. Once again, we had an amazing time and did lots of ministry and work on projects in the community. We were able to plan and lead two church services, do a ministry time at the school, put on activities a few of the afternoons, perform lots of dramas, pray for a lot of the community, and just spend time with everyone who lives there. It was much different from the tribe in the sense of accesibility between homes...the distance between many of the huts was at least a 20 minute hike, so we spent more time traveling on foot. We stayed at the pastora´s house and she helped us plan our time, cook, etc. Much like the tribe, Oajaca does not have electricity, stores, or anything most of us are used to-and so it was another great experience to live very simply and resourcefully. I´m learning so much, even just in that aspect. We are all pros now- at starting fires and cooking over them, bathing in the river or with a bucket, sleeping on cement/mud floors, finding fruit in the jungle, etc....and I´ve gotten a lot braver with insects, especially cockroaches :)

One unexpected event occurred about halfway through the time in Oajaca...I broke my arm. I was coming down a muddy hill and slipped, catching all my weight on my left arm behind me. I managed to get a compound fracture of my radius and ulna :( It was an interesting experience, hiking to the road and making our way to the nearest hospital...but all is ok now- I had surgery, got some pins put in, and have a cast on for the next 6 weeks.

We are doing ministry here in Panama City for the next week...not sure what exactly, but I have no doubt it will be incredible. I can´t believe we´ve been here for a month almost!


Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your wrist/arm. I hope all the obstacles you have experienced haven't left you unsure in your path. I doubt it but you have been through quite a bit. I'm proud of you, good and faithful one.Look forward to seeing you upon your return.Always in our prayers.
Love 4ps

Anonymous said...

Melissa, I'm glad to hear that you are still having fun and that your injury is not hurting your spirits. Keep going girlie...I love you.

P.S. Joey says hi.