Saturday, February 28, 2009

New Adventures

Les Femmes has officially begun! We had our first small group session this past Monday night and had 11 women total. There is a wide range of ages and artistic talents-from a well practiced painter to several women who would claim NO creativity whatsoever (although that's very untrue!) But it is an atmosphere of ease and encouragement, and the level of skill has nothing to do with the intention of the group. Les Femmes (French for "the women") has the mission to aide the journey of a woman's heart awakening to their unique walk with God. To think outside the box, if you will, as each woman explores new and creative ways of connecting with God and understanding His purpose for them.

The night started out as Heather read a parable she wrote, titled The Bracelet. Afterwards, instead of discussing the story amongst each other, each woman individually responded through their journals. Many collaged with cutouts of magazine pictures, some wrote their thoughts or interpretations of the parable, some created a drawing. After a period of time alone, we gathered together to share in small groups what we had created. It was a truly inspiring time, as each person had a very unique and different response. No woman created the same journal, which is such a reflection of the heart of this ministry. Before our next meeting, we will start going through a book of the Bible and respond to it creatively so that we may share with each other when we meet again.

Heather and I met up the next day to share thoughts, and we both agreed the group went amazingly well. The most encouraging part to me is how obviously God is leading this ministry. I've felt as though such little effort has been put in for this all to start up so quickly. I've enjoyed each small thing I've done in preparation and can't believe I get to be a part of this...I feel like I'm hardly doing a thing, simply sitting back and watching God work in His perfection. I love it.

The other thing I'm looking forward to is that I'm leaving for Costa Rica this Wednesday! I get to go visit for a week, and reconnect with several people from my mission trip that I haven't seen in several months. A couple of my DTS-mates are living there and going to Spanish school. Several others are in different YWAM schools at the San Jose base. I'm so thankful I get to make this trip out'll be great to see everyone.

Enjoy the week, and I'll keep you updated on Les Femmes :)